School Staff

Staff at Colegio Alemán in Zaragoza

The secret of our school’s success is the involvement of all the staff in it

Colegio Alemán follows an educational model in which the school’s staff closely accompanies students throughout their studies, with mentoring that provides them with the necessary tools to promote their independence.

“Team spirit fuels individual strength to achieve mutual success.”

Lailah Gifty Akita

Management team

Arantza Carrillo


Diego Corraliza

Head of Studies

Rodrigo Pascual and Ana Puertas

Infant School Coordinator

María Rubio

Primary School Coordinator

Laura Badía

Secondary School Coordinator (Years 1-3)

Leticia Tocado

Secondary School Coordinator (Year 4) and Baccalaureate

Fabian Rachid

Head of the German Departmant


Mareen Krone

Head of Admissions

Educational Guidance

Laura Yus

Pilar Lázaro

Non-teaching staff

Silvia Galuchino

Finance Manager

Javier Vicén


Ana Aguirre

Communication and Marketing

Astrid Bracher

Management Secretary

Susana Pérez

Secretary Administration

Vicente Rubio

General Maintenance

David Morel

Computer maintenance

Merche Pasamar

Childcare services, dining room, bus

Admissions and new students

Do you want to be part of our big Family?

Request information for the next academic year and secure your place at our school. Arrange a guided tour and a meeting with our teaching staff.

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