Transparency portal
Respect for the dignity and privacy of individuals, the fight against all forms of discrimination, the promotion of effective equality of women and men, the guarantee of health and safety, and physical and moral integrity are fundamental rights of all members of the Colegio Alemán, which the German School Cultural Association is obliged to guarantee.
The Association has protocols for this, which are sent to all its employees.
Sexual harassment protocol
Likewise, the Association proactively takes responsibility for the prevention of possible situations of sexual harassment and harassment based on sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or gender identity within the Association, as well as the establishment of the actions to be taken in the event that such conduct occurs.
Workplace harassment protocol
Likewise, the right to digital disconnection is a fundamental element to achieve better organisation of working time in order to respect private and family life, improve the balance of personal, family and work life and contribute to the optimisation of the occupational health of all workers.
Admissions and new students
Do you want to be part of our big Family?
Request information for the next academic year and secure your place at our school. Arrange a guided tour and a meeting with our teaching staff.