

Colegio Alemán in Zaragoza is a bilingual school with excellent academic results.

The school has been selected as one of the best schools in Spain by the newspaper EL MUNDO.

It was chosen to participate in the national session of the EUROPEAN YOUTH PARLIAMENT SPAIN.

One of our students has been selected to participate in the international session of the EUROPEAN YOUTH PARLIAMENT which will be held in Norway.

The academic results obtained in the 2nd year of Bachillerato* and in the University Entrance Exam in the 2021-2022 academic year were excellent:

EvAU: Number 1 in Aragon in German

EvAU: Number 2 in Aragon in English

Results of the Colegio Alemán students at the University of Zaragoza

Notas de corte UNIZAR

See the cut-off marks for the university course you are interested in

Colegio Alemán student's EvAU (University Entrance Exam) results

EVAU (University Entrance Exam)

The results of our students in the University Entrance Exam are the best personal statement

Academic results of the Colegio Alemán students

Our results

The academic results of the students at Colegio Alemán are excellent

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