Benefits of bilingual education
Children are exposed to a lot of information and will receive more and more stimuli in a language that is not their own.
A child’s mind is capable of retaining information very easily, which is why children who learn a second or even a third language in a natural way are able to pick it up as easily as they do with their mother tongue.

Children that grow up speaking more than one language:
Are more creative
Have a better
Have greater mental flexibility
Have more developed memories
Are better at planning
Learn to retain what is relevant
Have an enhanced personality
Develop their critical thinking
Strengthen their respect and tolerance
Do not develop prejudices towards children from other places
Our students are the future
We want the best for them. They are the future. Not only ours as fathers, mothers, teachers or guardians. They are everyone’s.
They will be the next generations of students and fighters who are passionate about disciplines and socio-cultural movements that are yet to come. We want to give them everything and, at the same time, we want them to be able to achieve it on their own. We want them to grow, develop and advance. We want their journey to be enriching. And very long. But we also want them to have the necessary tools to be successful. We will find a way for them to learn a lot, to learn everything, to learn in the best way.
Admissions and new students
Do you want to be part of our big Family?
Request information for the next academic year and secure your place at our school. Arrange a guided tour and a meeting with our teaching staff.