Sustainable Development Goals


Colegio Alemán in Zaragoza is a responsible entity with an RSA (Aragon’s Social Responsibility) seal of approval

In 2018, the German School Cultural Association had long had the desire and latent need for Social Responsibility to have an increasing weight in its organisation and management.

This concern led to working on the School’s strategy from the field of Social Responsibility so that, in the same year, the school decided to opt for membership in the Plan of Social Responsibility in Aragon of the Government of Aragon, obtaining the RSA Seal as a Responsible Entity.

Children in the organic vegetable patch at Colegio Alemán

We joined the master plan to achieve a sustainable future for everyone

Since then, the Association has decided to draw up its first Responsibility Report, which it has not failed to do in any given year (last Responsibility Report)

Given the importance of Social Responsibility in the Association’s Strategic Plan, it was a logical step for the Association to be concerned about the inclusion of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in its day-to-day activities. As stated by the United Nations, promoter of the SDGs: “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of people all around the world.”

Therefore, the Association advocated linking the activities carried out with the SDGs, thus collaborating to promote communication, training and the impact of companies on the SDGs, as proposed by the Spanish Global Compact Network. The relationship between the SDGs and the activities carried out by the Association during the last academic year is shown below.

Colegio Alemán’s initiatives on the sustainable development goals

Objective 1 Ending poverty in all its forms around the world

School initiatives:

  • Christmas Collection
  • Weihnachtsmarkt Christmas jumble sale
Zero hunger

Objective 2: To end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture

School initiatives:

  • Food collection for the Fundación Banco de Alimentos de Aragón (Food Bank Foundation of Aragón)
Health and wellbeing

Objective 3: Ensure healthy living and promote well-being for all ages

School initiatives:

  • Affective-Sexual Education Programme
  • Childhood Cancer Day
  • We fight back against cancer
  • National Police Citizen Protection Talks
  • National Police Citizen Protection Talks
  • Programmes from the Addiction Prevention Centre of the Zaragoza City Council
  • Talk on Prevention of Behavioural Eating Disorders
  • Positive Thinking Programme
  • Stress and Anxiety Management Workshop
  • Emotional Education Programme
  • Parent School talks on eating disorders and the risks of the Internet and social networks.
Quality education

Objective 4: Ensure inclusive and fair quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for everyone

School initiatives:

  • “Study Techniques and Emotional Aptitudes towards Study” Programme
  • Addiction prevention programme in the educational environment
  • Vocational Orientation Talks
  • Sponsorship of a school in India through Friends of Odisha NGO
  • Pre-School Volunteering
  • “Digital Bildung” Erasmus + programme
  • University Orientation Site with all the information about the university choices in Spain
  • 4th University Conference on Vocational Guidance
  • Visit to UNITOUR University Orientation Event

Objective 12: Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns

School initiatives:

  • Combi Catering. School lunch service using local, organic and seasonal food products
  • Zero Waste Recreation Project. Use of bottles and flasks reducing the use of single-use plastic bottles
Climate action

Objective 13: Taking urgent action to combat climate change and its effects

School initiatives:

  • EducaenEco
  • Recycling Patrol
  • Environmental project – “El Bosque de los Zaragozanos”
Peace, justice

Objective 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for everyone and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

School initiatives:

  • Parenting School promoting emotional education
  • Gender Sensitivity Workshop
  • Presentation: Women in science – young and old
  • Positive Thinking Programme
  • Stress and Anxiety Management Workshop
  • Gender Sensitivity Workshop
  • National Police Citizen Protection Talks
  • DIGITALE BILDUNG Erasmus + Programme

Admissions and new students

Do you want to be part of our big Family?

Request information for the next academic year and secure your place at our school. Arrange a guided tour and a meeting with our teaching staff.

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