
Educational project

The Erasmus+ programme offers the means to carry out educational projects at Educational Centres at European level.

We promote cultural exchanges between academic institutions and the mobility of students and teachers across the continent.

Colegio Alemán Erasmus + Programme

We are an Erasmus+ accredited school

In February, we were granted the Erasmus+ accreditation. Over the next 5 years this will provide greater ease and flexibility in both the participation and the organisation of Erasmus+ projects.

Erasmus+ Commission

We have a committee made up of several teachers from the School, which is responsible for managing all aspects related to this type of project.

Which Erasmus+ projects do we participate in?

An enriching experience, both personally and academically that they will remember for life and will open their minds to the world.

With the Comenius Gesamtschule in Voerde (Germany)

It consists of a joint research project carried out by the Comenius Gesamtschule in Voerde and the Colegio Alemán on the topic of immigration through interviews with German and Spanish citizens living in Spain and Germany, respectively.

This project culminates in a digital exhibition of the interviews conducted by both countries.

Best practices in digitalisation and pedagogical innovation

It involves schools from Germany, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania and consists of cultural exchanges between students and teachers through stays in the other collaborating countries and the exchange of best practices in digitalisation and pedagogical innovation.

International projects that Colegio Alemán has participated in

“Der Weg nach Europa”

Some students and teachers at Colegio Alemán participated in this project between 2017 and 2019. It dealt with the topic of immigration and its association with the refugee phenomenon.

“Digital education – Advancement of digital aspects”

From 2019 to 2022 we have collaborated in this project together with other schools in Germany, Austria and Sweden. There have been exchanges between teachers and students from those countries of educational practices related to pedagogical and digital innovation.

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