Parenting school
Why is the parenting school necessary?
As parents we think that we are prepared for almost everything apart from parenting. It is interesting to see the different kinds of surprises that a son or daughter brings with them. They make us parents and, on top of that, we have to teach them! And now… What do we do? Learn.

No one is born a teacher
Suddenly we realise that we need to learn how to teach. Parents learn as they go along, as problems are overcome or unforeseen situations arise. But it is also essential to reflect on our own and others’ experience so that we can teach more effectively. We all benefit from comparing or enriching ourselves with the ideas and experiences of others. The Parenting School affords us this possibility, as well as a greater integration in the school.
An exercise in responsibility
Education for our children is a right; but, for parents, it is a duty. We should not confuse education, the burden of which falls primarily on teachers, with upbringing, which is almost entirely the responsibility of parents. Our values are those which we pass on to our children, and one of the objectives of the Parenting School is precisely to promote this essential attitude of perfecting ourselves as people.
At this School we intend to inform, advise and train parents for the important task of acting as parents, which has an impact on the strengthening of their children’s personality, on their better development as individuals, on the improvement of their academic performance and on their motivation towards a healthier life.
Here we address topics such as educational styles, rules and limits, responsibility education, social skills or emotional intelligence, among others.
Free to attend
- The sessions will be on site and open to the entire school, approximately once a month.
- The objective is to offer a space for reflection, with models and resources to help us in the arduous task of bringing up children.
- We will hold 6 sessions that will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the Pre-School Multi-purpose Room.
- Each session will be announced in advance, as well as the topic to be covered and the age group for each activity.
Admissions and new students
Do you want to be part of our big Family?
Request information for the next academic year and secure your place at our school. Arrange a guided tour and a meeting with our teaching staff.